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Key issues

It is possible to distinguish several broad types of organisational structure, including types with clearly distinct or mixed forms (e.g. a charitable company) (Cookbook, p. 28). Most obviously, there are distinctions between not-for-profit organisations, in which surpluses are reinvested in the organisation’s activities, and commercial, profit making companies. Many Open Access presses are, in line with the values that motivated their establishment, non-profits. 

Whether a non-profit or a company, one key consideration for new publishers may be the potential benefits that can come with becoming an ‘incorporated’ organisation. Incorporated organisations are usually registered with a national body and allows the organisation to have its own, independent identity, separate from the individuals that run it. A key function served by incorporation is often to limit the liability of those that run the organisation. This may be important for many reasons – in relation to liability for employees wellbeing, or financial liability to suppliers for example. For publishers, this might also relate to the extent which individuals running a publisher are themselves liable for the publisher’s output. 

The Cookbook (Section 3.10.1) has some tips useful in the German context, including costs of setting up a company. A helpful piece of advice for projects involving several countries, is to compare regulations and requirements in the different relevant national contexts, as registering a company in one country might be easier and more affordable than in others.