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03. Starting a new publisher

NUP Toolkit, Setting up a press Cookbook, Chapter 5 Business Models for OA Books

Case studies

05. Organisation type

Mattering Press: In the UK, Mattering Press chose to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisat...


05. Organisation type

Business Models for OA Books Governing Scholar-Led OA Book Publishers

Case studies

06. Governance and accountability

Goverance structures punctum books has two co-directors, two associate directors with specific...


06. Governance and accountability

Cookbook, Chapter 2 NUP Toolkit, Setting up a pressĀ  Business Models for OA Books ...

Key issues

07. Revenue models

There are many business models that have been tested/used by OA presses in different countries an...

Case studies

08. Copyright and licensing

Language Science Press publishes almost all its books under the CC-BY license, although allow...

Case studies

09. Editorial

Some examples of how different small and academic-led presses describe their editorial process: ...

Book Processing Charges

07. Revenue models Five revenue models

Perhaps the most common way of funding Open Access publishing is for the publisher to charge a so...

Book sales

07. Revenue models Five revenue models

Amongst the guides, there is broad consensus that while book sales are likely to be an important ...

Membership programmes

07. Revenue models Five revenue models

Recent years have seen an increasing number of publishers launching membership programmes to prov...


07. Revenue models

COPIM Revenue Models Report, Definitions Business Models for OA Books Elli Gerakopoul...

Key issues

09. Editorial

The editorial process is at the heart of publishing. However well a publisher markets and dissemi...

Case studies

10. Production

punctum books undertakes almost all production and post-production in-house, but occasionally u...


10. Production

NUP Toolkit, Production Cookbook, Chapters 3.6, 3.7 Business Models for OA books ...

Case studies

11. Metadata management

The Thoth metadata manager is presently being used in production by a number of small/scholar...

Case studies

12. Dissemination and discoverability

Digital dissemination Helsinki University Press and Stockholm University Press: both use Ubi...